Our Story

FREEDOM FIGHTERS was founded by Honourable Vinaykumar Pandhe, who is a Legend of Indian direct selling industry. He is a Master Dream Builder, Mentor and Mahaguru of millions of network builders, Honourable Network Supremo Vinaykumar Pandhe is the only man to buy his own 4 Aircrafts in 2003 from direct selling income. He is a Miraculous Motivator, Intelligent Educator, Renowned Entrepreneur and Success Icon for millions of people in the Network marketing/Direct selling industry.

He joined DAYJOY MARKETING PVT. LTD and started a new inning in the Direct selling / Network marketing industry after almost 7 years of isolation because of brutal betrayal in his previous association. However, As he reentered, The global network marketing industry is witnessing a history being repeated.

In the dead lockdown period of covid-19 march 2020 his first 3 major meetings in Nasik, Surat and Rajkot were blocked by the police department because of lockdown norms, but he didn't give up. He went on ZOOM and started a daily plan presentation and weekly education meeting. He attracted a total new team of seasoned as well fresh network marketeers, people were astonished by his great wisdom, knowledge and experience. He started his new inning with a promise to his team that in FREEDOM FIGHTERS we will create many many world records in just the first 6 months. He said we will shock the global network marketing industry by the power of FREEDOM FIGHTERS education system.

He is a man of his word.He broke Emerald Vice President pin in DAYJOY in just 6 months of covid-19 period with the monthly pay cheque of Rs.4,40,000 and most importantly his then team size was just 2500 people this really shocked the whole network marketing industry. The reason was nobody in the whole world, especially in a consumer product (FMCG) based network marketing has reached Rs.4,40,000 monthly income. In his 9th month he broke Sapphire Vice President pin with the monthly pay cheque of Rs.7,24,732, and also this time his team size was just 4575 people. Many big players of the Network Marketing Industry were totally confused and unable to understand what kind of education is he giving to his team, because in such a small group and in FMCG product based MLM never in the whole world somebody has done this till date. If anybody of you has a little doubt about this claim you can get facts checked by asking one single question to any big network marketers in the industry - Mr. You talk about your big pay cheque now just answer one thing: how many years did you take to reach this pay cheque and what is your total team size now? You will see him speechless.

We welcome all Network marketeers/Direct sellers to FREEDOM FIGHTERS GLOBAL NETWORK PVT. LTD with the promise to fulfill all their dreams, with our unmatched education and support system.

Welcome to the glorious world of DAYJOY FREEDOM FIGHTERS.


FREEDOM FIGHTERS provides you the best world class education system in network marketing to build a long term and sustainable MLM business. We are professional network builders with a global vision and as we cross the indian border, we promise you that you will enjoy our world class education system and continued support all over the globe.

Our Vision

With a military kind of strict discipline, we want to introduce a totally new, ruthless and merciless NETWORK MARKETING to the dreamers world wide. At FREEDOM FIGHTERS we dont act to satisfy our distributors, but to AMAZE them. With our experience, integrity, commitment and excellence. We are unitedly looking forward to conquering the global network marketing industry.

Our Mission

We aim to offer to all our network marketing leaders, a great quality support and international education system to fulfill all their dreams. DAYJOY has already started the procedure to enter Bangladesh, Nepal and Dubai markets and Malaysia in the line. We are very much excited to go global in the time to come and serve our distributors world wide. FREEDOM FIGHTERS is a great platform to big dreamers and entrepreneurs to learn how the network marketing business is done world wide with a scientific education system.

Our Vision

With a military kind of strict discipline, we want to introduce a totally new, ruthless and merciless NETWORK MARKETING to the dreamers world wide. At FREEDOM FIGHTERS we dont act to satisfy our distributors, but to AMAZE them. With our experience, integrity, commitment and excellence. We are unitedly looking forward to conquering the global network marketing industry.

Our Mission

We aim to offer to all our network marketing leaders, a great quality support and international education system to fulfill all their dreams. DAYJOY has already started the procedure to enter Bangladesh, Nepal and Dubai markets and Malaysia in the line. We are very much excited to go global in the time to come and serve our distributors world wide. FREEDOM FIGHTERS is a great platform to big dreamers and entrepreneurs to learn how the network marketing business is done world wide with a scientific education system.

FREEDOM FIGHTERS is a platform which offers world wide proven and time tested scientific education programs that enables any network marketers to achieve all he/she wants in life. We will help all the dreamers to learn and achieve highest recognition pins in a very small and very short period of time.

We consider our women as the major strength of FREEDOM FIGHTERS. We believe that every woman is a very big dreamer and has passion, tolerance and hard working attitude. With this extraordinary in built potential, when they get FREEDOM FIGHTERS unique educational support, they are rapidly succeeding in FREEDOM FIGHTERS. We are happy that with us men and women from all the corners of India are dreaming to succeed and achieving it in a short time span with a very small team. At FREEDOM FIGHTERS we strongly believe that massive victories are demonstrated not by uncommon people but by common people who have UNCOMMON DREAMS. May it be a man or a woman, young or old irrespective of their conventional education we believe, if they have a dream and shown the right path of guidance they CAN create a historical victory.

Our single point mission is to plug all our distributors in our unique education system and make them staunch followers of the system because only a follower becomes a leader and eventually can create followers to be leaders. Whatever a mind can conceive and believe in it can achieve it.



    Other than getting into a fixed salary job FREEDOM FIGHTERS will help you to fulfill all your dreams and aspirations with our time to time scientific education and training programs which will help you gain absolute professional knowledge for your unbelievable financial growth in a very short time span with a very small team. FREEDOM FIGHTERS GLOBAL NETWORK PVT. LTD is and always will be there to help you achieve total financial freedom.


    As you get inside and get plugged into the system of FREEDOM FIGHTERS and when you start attending the every sunday education meetings that are so conveniently timed at 9pm to 11.30pm. You can have dinner, sit back straight, open your camera on ZOOM stay there in professional dress, a suit or blazer or atleast a tie, white shirt and start learning and taking notes, soon you will come to know that this kind of education is nowhere in this industry and that is the main reason and our main strength why in this lockdown covid-19 period we are making world records. Why our leaders with a team as small as 200 people, 250 people their monthly pay cheques are 76000,85000,98000 why ? You will know the reason why its happening only in FREEDOM FIGHTERS. Why it is not happening all over the globe anywhere in consumer product based network marketing. You will know it when you get plugged into the system and start learning. You will realise that we really have no competition. There is nobody in this whole world who can compete with the education system and the results we are producing in such a small group and such small time span. We really have absolutely no competition. Together we all will win. Let's make india a better place to live in.

  • Helps you to evolve both professionally and personally

    We are sincere to the core that all our distributors get the desires and dreams come true. For this we work hard to make our system percolate down the line in the team and make arrangements for particular scientifics programs time to time so even if you are new to this era of network marketing our world class training programs will help you to shine in this field and with our education system other than just making money you can also evolve better both personally and professionally. If you are into a job you don't need to quit it to do this business with us. We will enable you to quit it soon as you succeed with us. And hey, you don't need to give 8,10,12 hours for this business. This business doesn't demand much time. It needs a dedicated decision to be free with time and money. You can just invest some of your time like 3-4 hours in the evening and setup your dreams, work on your list call people. We will teach you everything even if you are a new person to this business, we will teach you the skills. We really believe that the skills are not god gifts. Skills are something that you can achieve by doing things repeatedly. We promise you to teach you the way to succeed in network marketing. A proven and time tested way. You have one life and its precious